Saturday, October 1, 2011

Our house.

it's all "firmed up". we own the house, and we get the keys on December 19th. six days before christmas!

We get to have christmas in our new home :)
Our tradition every year, has been to buy a tree ornament that has something to do with a big event that happened that year.

Our first christmas together we got this one .
Our second christmas, we had just gotten married, and we bought an "anniversary" ornament, that you can change the number in to show which anniversary you're celebrating.

This year, with a baby on the way, we bought this one

I'm thinking maybe we should buy another one because we just bought a house. That's two maaaaaaajor events in one year! Maybe we'll save that for next year, when the house is really our home, this year.. we'll just have moved in, and it won't be all that homey yet.

Now if only the hubby's family would stop fighting so we could share our good news with them too...

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